Day 1: Opening Plenary
Monday’s program will include an Opening Plenary schedule of international policy, regulatory, industry, and communications leaders. Dr. John Kelly, President of ANS will provide a welcome address on behalf of ANS; Dr. Kathryn McCarthy, Plenary Program Chair, will provide a Plenary Welcome address on behalf of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories; and Dr. Mark Peters, Honorary Chair and Laboratory Director at Idaho National Laboratory will provide a welcome address on behalf of Idaho National Laboratory.
Morning Session
Advancing and Sustaining Nuclear Energy – Government Perspective
Regulator Keynote Addresses:

Kristine Svinicki
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(United States)
Ministerial Keynote Addresses:

Suzanne Jaworowski
Senior Advisor for Nuclear Energy
Department of Energy
(United States)
Conference Keynote Address:

Dr. Nathan Myhrvold
Vice Chairman of Terrapower and
Founder of Intellectual Ventures
Advancing and Sustaining Nuclear Energy – Industry Perspective
Industry Keynote Addresses:

Bill Fox
Executive Vice President for Global Nuclear Business

Dale Atkinson
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nuclear Officer, NuScale Power (US)

Sang-Wook Han
Executive Vice President
Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power
(South Korea)

Takuya Hattori
Senior Advisor
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.
Afternoon Session
International Perspectives on Nuclear Energy

Kirsty Gogan
Nuclear for Humanity
(United Kingdom), invited

Tim Ferris
Journalist, Author, Producer and Nuclear Advocate
(United States)

Laura Herman
Potomac Communications (US)
The Millennial Nuclear Caucus Goes Global – Panel & Networking Session
The Millennial Nuclear Caucus portion of the conference is free of charge. Registration for the full conference is not required to attend this event only but please ensure to register at to reserve your spot at this panel.

Suzie Jaworowski
Senior Advisor
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy
(United States)

Lenka Kollar
Director for Business Strategy
NuScale Power
(United States)

Grace Meikle
Director for International Business Development
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Ayako Takeuchi
Attaché to the United States of America Embassy of Japan (Japan)

Joon Seok Kang
Central Research Institute

Wei Jiang
Nuclear Power Inst. of China